Foreign experience in organization of commercialization office


  • A. Zhidebekkyzy Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        64 70


commercialization office, commercialization of innovations, the mechanism of technology commercialization, foreign experience of commercialization.


Commercialization and usage of domestic scientific research results are
very important in the formation of an innovative economy. In this regard, it
should be noted that effective operation of innovation infrastructure facilities,
and especially offices and centers of commercialization are necessary. When
the “National Agency for Technological Development» of Kazakhstan stopped
funding commercialization offices, many of them either cut staff or stopped
their work. However, after the adoption of a new law in 2015, commercialization
has become one of the priorities of the universities and research institutes.
Therefore, the question about how to effectively organize the work of the
newly created office of commercialization arises. This article discusses world
experience in the organization of the offices and centers of commercialization.
Also, the main functions of the office of commercialization, income distribution
mechanism, and the requirements for personnel and indicators to assess
performance were analyzed. The article may be of interest to those involved
in the commercialization of scientific research in universities.


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How to Cite

Zhidebekkyzy, A. (2016). Foreign experience in organization of commercialization office. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from