Prospects for business in Kazakhstan


  • R.N. Zhangirova Каза­хс­кий­ националь­ный­ уни­верси­тет­ имени­ аль-Фара­би
        74 87


the business sector, big business, small and medium enter-prises, business environment, government support, business development.


Business moves production development, market, and hence society as a whole. The country is booming thanks to entrepreneurs and busi-nesses – thanks to the support of their countries. The purpose of this article – to show how important enterprise in the market economy, as well as its role and importance to date in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the Republic of Kazakhstan created all the prerequisites intensive entrepreneurship. At present, business in the Republic of Kazakhstan is being developed in a va-riety of forms. Special attention should be the development of the internal market, support for small and medium-sized businesses. The distinguish-ing feature in the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Ka-zakhstan that it is seen as a long-term, one of the key factors of economic development. The article deals with the current status, experience, trends in the development of the business sector of the economy and concluded that the problems in this area still remain and need to be clarified to reflect changing market conditions. The article deals with the current status, ex-perience, trends in the development of the business sector of the economy and concluded that the problems in this area still remain and need to be clarified to reflect changing market conditions.


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3 Дауранов­ И.Н. Поддерж­­ка мало­­го и сред­него­ биз­неса­: исполь­­зо­ва­ние зару­­бежно­­го опы­та в Ка­зах­­стане // Мене­­дж­ мент каче­­ст­ва. – 2009. – № 1. – С. 36.

4 Малое­ и среднее­ предпри­­ни­ма­тель­ст­во в Респуб­­ли­ке Каза­­хс­тан» // Статис­­ти­чес­кий сборник­. – Астана, 2014. – 94 с.


How to Cite

Zhangirova, R. (2016). Prospects for business in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 112(6). Retrieved from