Features of responsibility of government officials in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • G.N. Sansyzbaeva Каза­хс­кий­ националь­ный­ уни­верси­тет­ имени­ аль-Фара­би­
  • S.A. Murashkin
        51 45


public service, political officials, administrative officials, responsible punishment.


In the state power and attitude about her are the main elements form-ing the political system. The state as a part of society’s political system and the particular organization of political power is characterized by the ability to influence the activity of people of various state institutions, institution-alize and give it the power of obligatory character. These are the Institute and the Institute is a public service. Special structural organization, called the state apparatus is a system of state bodies, interconnected by common principles, objectives, endowed with power and possessing the material and technical means to carry out its functions.


1 Закон­ Респуб­ли­ки­ Каза­хс­тан­ от 23 июля 1999 года­ № 453-I «О госу­да­рст­вен­ной­ службе­» (с изме­не­ниями­ и допол­не­­ ниями по состоя­нию­ на 28.11.2014 г.).

2 Абро­си­мо­ва­­Н. Особен­нос­ти­ привле­че­ния­ к дисцип­ли­нар­ной­ отве­тст­вен­нос­ти­ госу­да­рст­вен­ных­ служа­щих­. // Юри­ дичес­кая­ энцик­ло­пе­дия­. 08.10.2010


How to Cite

Sansyzbaeva, G., & Murashkin, S. (2016). Features of responsibility of government officials in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 112(6). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1134