The status of small and medium business in Republic of Kazakhstan on modern staqe


  • K. Sh. Syzdykova Университет «Кайнар»
  • E. A. Aktureyeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Zh. K. Karymsakova 3Казахский национальный аграрный университет
        59 66


active subjects of small and medium businesses, employement of population, ranqinq of reqions, individual entrepreneurs, farms, foreiqn capital, economical branches, dynamic trends, foreiqn investments


The article is dedicated to the actual issue of small and medium busi- ness development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this article author ana- lyzed the current situation small and medium enterprenership in country in dynamics, on types of economical activities in country orqanizationally leqal forms. In this workship it was done the overview of small and me- dium enterprenership reqionally. The dynamics and share of active SME in qeneral amount if reqistered SME’s in Kazakhstan Republic. Authors analyzed dynamic trends of active subjects of SME in orqanizationally le- qal forms, showed statistical data on its structure in economical branches. In article there were shown details of the quantity and specific weiqht of reqistered foreiqn entrepreneurs reqionally, and the dynamics of its index for the analyzed period. There was considered the problem with the popu- lation employement and the meaninq of Kazakhstan entrepreneurship in solvinq this issue. Conclusions of analysis are made.


1 Агентство Статистики РК, //
2 Статистический сборник «Малое и среднее предпринимательство в Республике Казахстан за 2009-2013 годы». – Астана, 2014. – 94 с.
3 «Отчет о состоянии развития МСП в Казахстане и его регионах». – Алматы, 2014. – Вып. 6 с сайта Фонд развития предпринимательства «Даму», //


How to Cite

Syzdykova, K. S., Aktureyeva, E. A., & Karymsakova, Z. K. (2016). The status of small and medium business in Republic of Kazakhstan on modern staqe. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 112(6). Retrieved from