Topical issues of reforming the system of selection and planning of career of civilservants in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • R Bekkuzhin Академия государственного управления при Президенте Республики Казахстан
  • T Yeshenkulov
        75 71


the selection of civil servants, career advancement, internal competition, career planning, autonomous state apparatus.


Public service reforms in 2013 have shown that Kazakhstan needs fur-ther improvements in the mechanism of selection of civil servants as well as the construction of the system of their career advancement. The construction of professional autonomous state apparatus in the country is not finished yet. Changes has to be done in human resource polices and in the image and ethics of public servants. The solution of this kind of problems is solved by creating high quality system of selecting public servants and building of an effective system of planning their career. Therefore, a new bill has been drafted in Kazakhstan in order to create new framework of selecting public servants. This article tells about the features of these innovations and their impact on the quality of public service. Authors suggest to include a work experience in relevant public ser-vice sector into the requirements list of vacant positions.


1 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 21 июля 2011 года № 119 «О Концепции новой модели государственной службы Республики Казахстан» // «Казахстанская правда» от 30.07.2011 г., № 238-240 (26659-26661).

2 План нации – 100 конкретных шагов по реализации пяти институциональных реформ Главы государства Нурсултана Назарбаева (май 2015 года) //

3 Отчет о результатах оценки деятельности государственных органов по итогам 2013 года // сайт Агентства по делам государственной службы РК -

4 Интернет-сайт:


How to Cite

Bekkuzhin, R., & Yeshenkulov, T. (2016). Topical issues of reforming the system of selection and planning of career of civilservants in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 111(5). Retrieved from