Development of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the stability of the economy


  • R. N. Zhangirova
        73 690


small and medium businesses, sustainable economic de-velopment, economic growth, competitiveness, enterprise Development.


At the present stage as a priority voiced by the development of small business, which is the most competitive in improving scientific and tech-nological potential of the country. The socio-economic role of small busi-ness is great.On the one hand , small business, which is a socially stratum of small owners, defines virtue of its mass, social and economic stability of the country. On the other hand, it is the most important institution of social market economy. The purpose of the study is to characterize the modern development of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan, to identify its specific characteristics and identify the most acute problems and directions of their solutions. Therefore in this article the theoretical basis of the essence of small and medium-sized businesses, the role of the state in the economy , methods of regulation and state sup-port, issues of international experience. It analyzes the current develop-ment of small and medium business in Kazakhstan , as well as noting the measures of its financial and non-financial support. small and medium businesses, sustainable economic de-velopment, economic growth, competitiveness, enterprise Development.


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How to Cite

Zhangirova, R. N. (2016). Development of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the stability of the economy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 111(5). Retrieved from