Methods and instruments of controlling in system of management accounting


  • A. M. Dauzova
  • M. V. Shtiller
        69 54


management accounting, controlling, business manage-ment, types of controlling, controlling function.


At the present stage of development of the Kazakhstan economy over-all performance of the organizations depends on the applied technologies and system of management more and more. Controlling, providing stability of business and its finance, revealing internal reserves and quickly intro-ducing innovations, acts as an important factor of ensuring competitive-ness of the company. In modern conditions actual is a development of the mechanism of the organization of the controlling allowing to approach in a complex a question of creation of system of controlling at the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Dauzova, A. M., & Shtiller, M. V. (2016). Methods and instruments of controlling in system of management accounting. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 111(5). Retrieved from