Contact Methuen theory and practice of accounting


  • S. B. Baimukhanova
        64 57         64 28


the deductive method, inductive method, pragmatic method, the ethical method, behavioral method, communication method.


The relevance of accounting issues to be addressed in any society. At this time, all States and continents came to the conclusion that it is necessary to compare and make related national accounting system, and to resume all his strength. Therefore, the article considers the relationship between theory and practice of accounting by studying the works of a number of domestic and authors on this issue, the author defends their viewpoint and justify their meaning and difference. The originality of this research lies in the scientific results, which justifies the link between ac-counting theory and practice, and specific suggestions and vision of the author.


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8 Schroeder R.G., MeCullers L.D., and Clark M. Accounting Theory. – New York: John Wiley, 1987. – С. 21–22.

9 Chambers R. Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior. Englewood Cliffe, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966. – 2 с.

10 Мэтьюс М.Р., Пе­рера­ М.Х.Б. Теория бухгал­­те­рс­ко­го учета­. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 1999. – 663 с.

11 Сейдах­­ме­то­ва Ф.С. Совре­­мен­ный бухгал­­те­рс­кий учет. – Алма­­ты: ТОО «Изда­­тельст­во LEM», 2005. – 548 с.

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№ 2732).


How to Cite

Baimukhanova, S. B. (2016). Contact Methuen theory and practice of accounting. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 111(5). Retrieved from