The Innovative cluster organization of science, education and business integration as an effective mechanism to increase the competitiveness of economy


  • A. An АО «Банк Астаны»
        68 47


transnational cluster, innovative activity, innovative poli­ cy, university, education, transfer of technologies, public­private partner­ ship, concession, integration, medicine, competitiveness.


This article discusses the conditions and prerequisites for creation and development of innovative clusters. The role of transnational corporations and universities, as participants in scientific, educational and innovative cluster. It was revealed that the integration of science, education and in­ dustry, on the example of the organization Biomedical cluster at the Al­ Farabi Kazakh National University, in a public­ private partnership is an effective mechanism innovation activity of the University, as a basis of the knowledge economy. Universities are becoming active subjects of trans­ national clusters, the intellectual centers of innovation, where human capi­ tal is concentrated.


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How to Cite

An, A. (2016). The Innovative cluster organization of science, education and business integration as an effective mechanism to increase the competitiveness of economy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 110(4). Retrieved from