Knowledge-intensive of innovation project: measurement and controlfeatures


  • A. Galymkair Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        57 60


knowledge intensity, indicators ofscience intensity, innovative project, results based management.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of providing intensive implemented innovative projects.The author explores the features and characteristics of management of innovative projects with predetermined quantitative and qualitative parameters of measure.On the basis of sum-marizing the various theoretical approaches to the definition of the phe-nomenon of R & D intensity, the author proposes to clarify the quantitative criteria that must be met at each stage of an innovative project to provide adequate research intensity of the final result of the project. In this regard, the article stresses the need to implement results-oriented management systems.


1 Аль-Хасан М.А., Максимова В.Ф. Трансформация рынка труда в странах Персидского залива: – монография. – М.: МЭСИ, 2013. – С. 35.
3 Основополагающие принципы ЮНЕСКО, ориентированные на результативное программирование, менеджмент и мониторинг (УОР), Париж, Бюро стратегического планирования, январь 2008 г.


How to Cite

Galymkair, A. (2016). Knowledge-intensive of innovation project: measurement and controlfeatures. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 108(2). Retrieved from