Current state and development tendency of insurance


  • M. E. Munasipova Между­на­род­ный­ каза­хс­ко­-турец­кий­ универ­си­тет­ им. Х А. Ясави­
  • D. S. Sultanov Между­на­род­ный­ каза­хс­ко­-турец­кий­ универ­си­тет­ им. Х А. Ясави­
  • A. Asanova Между­на­род­ный­ каза­хс­ко­-турец­кий­ универ­си­тет­ им. Х А. Ясави­
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insurance, insurer, contribution, assets, services, market, company, policy, resources, population


This article deals with themodern stage and problems of develop- modern stage and problems of develop- modern stage andproblems of develop- problems of develop-ment of insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan.In the article is given the evaluation of national insurance market for the last 5 years. And is provided withcomparative analysis of a condition of insurance in the developed countries, such as China, USA and the Russia.Also is made a structural analysis of the volume of insurance premiumand insurance payments for 2012-2013 years.As a research result the reasons of back- As a research result the reasons of back-wardness of this sector are revealed and recommendations about their elimination are made.


1 Исинга­ри­на­ Ж. Стра­хо­ва­ние­ в Китае­: состоя­ние­ и тенден­ции­ // Қаржы­ – Қара­жат­ 2008 ж., №2, 25 - б. 2 Сату­бал­дин­ И. Особен­нос­ти­ орга­ни­за­ции­ стра­хо­ва­ния­ в США // Банки­ Каза­х­стана­ – №4, 2008 ж, 20 - б. 3 Худя­ков­ А.И. Теория стра­хо­ва­ния­, Статус­ 2010 год.
4 Годо­вой­ отчет­ НБРК за 2012-2013 гг.
5 11.12.14 – Стра­хов­щи­кам­ есть над чем рабо­тать­ (Капи­тал­ Центр Дело­вой­ ин­форма­ции­ от 08.12.14 – 13.12.14 г.г.)
6 15.09.14 – Стра­хов­щи­ки­ заме­тят­ поте­рю­ бойца­
7 Годо­вой­ отчет­ НБРК за 2012-2013гг.
8 18.11.14 – Стра­хов­щи­ки­ РК гото­вы­ к online-стра­хо­ва­нию­, а зако­но­да­тель­ст­во­ –


How to Cite

Munasipova, M. E., Sultanov, D. S., & Asanova, A. (2016). Current state and development tendency of insurance. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 108(2). Retrieved from