Innovative Economy: the Role of Universities in the Knowledge Transfer Process


  • Y. V. Smirnova Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля
  • Zh. A. Temirbekova Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля


knowledge transfer, universities, enterprises, innovative economy, Kazakhstan,


This paper analyzes the role of universities in the process of knowledge transfer in the context of innovative development of a country. The main methods used in this research comprised analysis and synthesis of the role of universities in a number of countries. Based on a comparative analysis, the conclusions were drawn regarding the role and functions of higher education institutions in developed counties, developing states and transition economies. The results reveal that with the increase in the country’s level of development an understanding of the role and function of universities is changing. The higher the level of development of the economy the more complex and wider perceived the role of universities in the process of knowledge transfer and acceleration of growth of innovative component of the economy. In recent years, Kazakhstan has built quite an active policy aimed at the development of innovative economy which is based on the transfer of knowledge between universities and enterprises. Universities are now seen not only as educational and research centers but also as an integral part of the national innovation system actively interacting with business sector


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